Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gratitude and Blessings are Godly Patterns

Why is Gratitude so important?

17 Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are alittle children, and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath in his own hands and prepared for you;

18 And ye cannot abear all things now; nevertheless, be of good bcheer, for I will clead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the driches of eeternity are yours.

19 And he who receiveth all things with athankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an bhundred fold, yea, more.

Doctrine &Covenants 78:17-19


Unknown said...

Gratitude makes you feel happy and that gets you closer to God himself. Happiness is the plan; therefore, it is the state of God. It ensures unlimited expansion and growth. But if you insist on not being grateful, (sorrow, complains, negativity) your body will resent and and move on to the next life. The blessings come no matter what because everything will eventually work out for us. That means the blessing have always been there when even when happiness is not our focus. Is it easy to look at the good only to be happy? Probably not, but it is certainly worth trying looking at the good on purpose.

Marcus said...

That is an interesting comment Efren. In my experience I have felt that the more gratitude I felt for past blessings, the more blessings I seem to recieve. I do agree some blessings come no matter what. On the other hand, I think that many blessings come just by virtue of our being grateful. I think God likes it when we are grateful and rewards us by blessing us more.

Unknown said...

100% in agreement my friend! You and I have had the same experience regarding this "Gratitude" matter. I know that is the case by my own consistent experience. It is good to know that someone out there is also living the same life of happiness and abundance as I'm. I'm so grateful for friends like you. I want to take my time to praise anything good and that includes this blog. I bless this blog for our good, even if it is only the two of us posting good things. That does not bother me because as I type good things on my keyboard I receive more of those good things. Life is good, All Is Well, abundance of all things is right with us. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving day. I'm so happy and grateful to be alive at the same time you are. I have the feeling that we were friends before this life and we will be forever. That's a wonderful thing! Isn't it?

Marcus said...

You are a good man Efren! Thank you for your support. I love you too! Actually, I have received many emails from others who have been reading and following the blog even if they are not making comments. So keep it up! I and others enjoy reading your comments. Have a great Thanksgiving!