Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Straight Line is the Shortest Distance Between Two Points

Postulates and Theorems 
By Marcus Southworth 

I know that a lot of you have studied algebra and geometry in school.  I really enjoyed those classes when I was young although my grades never showed it.  I was always fascinated with the concepts of “Theorems and Postulates”.  Postulates are basic rules of algebra and geometry that are considered inherently true and that if applied, ensure that your calculation or mathematical assumptions, no matter how complicated, will turn out right.  Theorems on the other hand were somehow conditional.  They were dependent upon other conditions in order to be true and required a “proof” to be made, so that I had to remember the “proof” in addition to the theorem.  Even now, 35 years after taking that class as a sophomore in high school, I still remember several theorems and postulates that I was taught.


Recently, I was thinking about the very first postulate that I ever learned:


“The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.”


I remember when memorizing it and what I thought; “this is so stupidly simple, everyone knows that”.  Well, as the class wore on month after month, I memorized many more postulates and theorems.  Each one seemed more complicated than the last.  They also seemed to build upon each other, going from the simple and basic to something much more complex.  I do remember how important it was to learn them.  Getting a correct answer was entirely dependent upon my ability to remember and apply those postulates and theorems.


I like the idea of “postulates” being something that are inherently true and require no proof.  I like the idea that there are some things that we can count on to be absolutely true no matter what.  I suppose that is why the gospel is so important to me.  The gospel provides me with information that is absolutely true and I can feel confident in applying its principles in my life.  The gospel principles will always lead me to a path of happiness and a life of peace.  They bring me closer to God and through my obedience and faith, I find that I draw closer to my Father in Heaven and thereby become entitled to special knowledge and blessings.


In today’s scientific world, there are many popular theories like; the “Big Bang Theory” or “Darwinism”.  Great scientists have come to believe these theories and have spent their lives relying upon them and teaching them.  However, as time passes, those popular theories have detriorated as “proofs” began to fail.  Today, scientists are becoming less comfortable with the idea that the universe and everything in it originated from a historic, coincidental collision of two molecules that created a chain reaction which over a period of billions of years produced the universe, the earth and all living things.  Darwin’s Theory has distracted many from the truth as well.  Textbooks have been written and students have come to rely on these theories as being true. 

There are some things that we can count on to be true!


The gospel teaches us that; “God created man in his own image…male and female created he them.”  If this concept were universally embraced by the worlds great thinkers as a “Postulate”, I wonder how much further our world of science would be.  Instead of consuming ones lifetime in search of the ‘unknown origin of life’, one could spend their life in getting to know and becoming like the great creator of all things.


Think of false “Postulates” or ‘Theorems’ that you may have relied upon as being true only to learn later that they were false or different than what you had believed.  Isn’t it disappointing?  


A Story of the Immigrant Woman:


I am reminded of a story that I once heard of an old woman who had suffered much during World War II.  After the war she dreamed of coming to America, the land of great beauty and opportunity.  But she made a goal and set out to reach it.  She was modestly poor and worked very hard at menial jobs in order to earn enough money to purchase her ship ticket.  It took her several years and required a great deal of sacrifice.  She was so happy when she was finally able to purchase her fare.  


As the day arrived for her departure, she had all her belongings packed.  She carefully planned how many days she would be at sea and prepared herself some simple meals of crackers and cheese for each day of her travel.  She only had a few dollars to spare after purchasing her ticket and knew that she would not be able to buy regular meals.  


It was all so exciting.  When she boarded the great ship, she quickly made several friends and had other roommates with whom she would spend her time.  Each day, they would invite her to join them for breakfast and lunch.  In the evenings they would beg her to get dressed up and attend a great gala and dining event.  At each invitation, she would politely beg their pardon and insist that she wanted to return to her room.  Her friends just assumed that she was ill or something.  While they were gone, she would break out the meals she had prepared of crackers and cheese.  Humbly and quietly she would eat them alone in her room. 


Day after day, following each meal and each gala event her friends and companions would return and recount the wonderful experiences and delightful food that was served hoping to entice her to join them.  Oh, how she wished that she could afford to go with them.  Finally, on the last day of the long voyage the old woman decided to join her friends for the evening meal and gala event.  She had such a good time.  The food was so delicious and extravagant.  As the evening wore on she worried over the cost of such a meal and wonderful gala.  But quickly reminded herself that it was a special event and that she would long remember it. It was a wonderful time of laughing, dining, and dancing.  


At the conclusion of the long evening, she patiently waited for the waiter to bring her bill.  But the bill never came.  She finally asked the waiter, whispering softly, “Sir could you kindly bring me my bill”.  He smiled and said, “ma’am, the meals and all of the events of the trip are included with the payment of your ship fare”.


My Heart Aches for the old woman


I am saddened when I hear this story.  My heart aches for the old woman, for of all the passengers, she certainly deserved the full benefits of her hard earned money and sacrifice.  She was a good woman too, and it saddened me to think that she had been denied what she deserved.


Do I have false beliefs that hinder my enjoyment of life?


It causes me some personal introspection; Do I have false ideas that keep me from enjoying the full benefits of my voyage through life?  Are there benefits and blessings that I deserve that I am not getting because of a false belief or practice?


I love the scriptures, and I find great heroes and exemplars that provide me with instruction and successful life patterns that I can use in my everyday life.  Its teachings bring me closer to my Heavenly Father.  They provide me with clear ‘postulates’ or truths that I can rely on to be true no matter what.  I don’t want to be like the old woman who sacrificed the wonderful meals and evening events not knowing that they were included in the price of the fare.  


Study the scriptures and identify the ‘Postulates’.  Check them against your own beliefs.  Are there beliefs or misunderstandings in your life that may be keeping you from greater blessings (‘shortest distance between two points’)?  


Are there blessings and benefits that you deserve and want but are not getting because of one false idea or another?  I bear you my personal witness that the following principles are true.  I love these words and believe them.  They are postulates in my life.  They are guiding principles that keep me on the right path.  I wish that I could share with you the great joy and happiness that I have enjoyed as a result of living these teachings.  I have not always done the right thing.  But, I have learned that getting back on the right track is just a matter of drawing the straight line from where I stand to the point where I should be and ‘bingo’, life becomes good again.  Remember, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.  Choose your destination and follow that straight line.  It brings great joy and happiness.


Postulates and Principles for a successful life:


And the Father said: Repent ye, repent ye, and be baptized in the name of my Beloved Son.                                                                                              2 Nephi 31:11


And also, the voice of the Son came unto me, saying: He that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father give the Holy Ghost, like unto me; wherefore, follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.                                                          2 Nephi 31:12


And I heard a voice from the Father, saying: Yea, the words of my Beloved are true and faithful. He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved.  And now, my beloved brethren, I know by this that unless a man shall endure to the end, in following the example of the Son of the living God, he cannot be saved.                                                    2 Nephi 31:15-16


And then are ye in this strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life; yea, ye have entered in by the gate; ye have done according to the commandments of the Father and the Son; and ye have received the Holy Ghost, which witnesses of the Father and the Son, unto the fulfilling of the promise which he hath made, that if ye entered in by the way ye should receive.    

2 Nephi 31:18)


Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.                                                                                     2 Nephi 31:20


And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the wayand there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen.      2 Nephi 31:21


Unknown said...

Here is what the prophets have said:
"But this may present a problem for some because there are so many “shoulds” and “should nots” that merely keeping track of them can be a challenge. Sometimes, well-meaning amplifications of divine principles—many coming from uninspired sources—complicate matters further, diluting the purity of divine truth with man-made addenda. One person’s good idea—something that may work for him or her—takes root and becomes an expectation. And gradually, eternal principles can get lost within the labyrinth of “good ideas.”"
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Love of God,” Ensign, Nov 2009, 21–24

This is the case in point from your posting. However, most people will not understand your point because they have not figured out yet how to be happy on their own. Most people feel that they depend on someone or something for their happiness, if that's the case, you are in deep trouble and far from the shortest distance path. I see you use the word "feel" many times to illustrate your point. That's good and I hope you realize how is it that you can be so happy (which is a felling anyways).

What you are describing is a process that goes like this:

1.- Find where you want to be (asking).
2.- Draw a line to get there (allowing).
3.- Materialize the "bingo" blessing (receiving).

It works every time, no exceptions, right? It has for you from what I can see.

God is always answering your every utterance and grants you anything you want that is in His realm. Nothing negative is granted or can proceed from God, the Source of your life. Any negative stuff is due to the absense of God, which is quite a different thing.

So, for those of you that don't quite get what Marcus is saying just know that:


and "no matter what" everything will be all right in your life even if tragedy and death strikes because you are an eternal being that cannot die. You are always alive, never dead. Your body? Yes, it will be gone but you will never be dead, never.

Use your feelings as your guidance system to know that "every time" you ask you'll receive a feeling as an answer to your request, "EVERY SINGLE TIME." You can also receive other things or events but they will ALL be accompanied by a feeling (good or bad). Bad feelings are not bad necessarily, they are the answer to your requests in the negative, meaning: DON'T DO IT SON!

If you think I'm crazy do me a favor: please "turn-off your feelings" for a moment or try to NOT BE for a moment. Call me when you do that, I'd like to know how you do it. So far, I know that to be impossible.

The Gospel Principles are the straight line to happiness if you ask for them, if you understand the rules of the game of life, if you know that God loves you more than you can understand.

Think and feel, think and feel, think and feel, think and feel AND think and feel. Then it will be.

Take care folks,
I love y'all!

Anonymous said...

To read your words is like the Balm of Gliead to me. I have ridden on tempest sea many times in my life, to only find calm waters when I have turned to the simple truths of the gospel for strength and peace. It is a matter of emotions and feelings - we choose where we land, we choose the paths we walk. Life is a myriad of challenges, many of which we do not choose, but over which we have the power of decision. We choose our reactions and actions, we find ourselves at a crossroad or once again on the tempest sea and must choose a path. We must determine where we want to end up - draw the straight line using gospel truths as our guide and start down the path.

Some of us get hung up at the crossroads for much too long - our lives seem to stagnate, our happiness wains, our strength is diminished - making a choice seems the hardest of things to do. Yet once made and acted upon, the path becomes a beautiful garden of experiences, the troubled sea becomes serene, the air is sweet, the sunrises and sunsets are once again a delight to behold.

Why do we tarry at the crossroads? Fear and pain. How do we find release? On our knees in prayer, study of the scriptues and a decision to draw the straight line and create the path we will follow.

I have been hung up at the crossroads for sometime now - fear has its grip on me - but your words here give me hope once again, I am ready to create the straight line and start down the path. Thank you.

Marcus said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you so much for your comments. I too, find myself at crossroads from time to time. I am glad that you found something here to lift and inspire. I too, spend time here reading articles, comments and clicking on the uplifting videos and short messsages. It works for me too!!

Anonymous said...

You're a good man. I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and wish you would write more.
I would like to read your thoughts on "Light"
Actually what I would like is for me to do an extensive study on "Light" and maybe someday I will, but until then I would like read your thoughts.
Thanks so much for your insights.

Anonymous said...

please unsubscribe me